Eating for two doesn't mean eating twice as much! Energy needs in pregnancy are only up by 10%, so the catchphrase should really be “eat for 1.1”! What's important is that you get enough of the right things. Here's our interpretation of the Ministry of Health's recommended eating plan for pregnancy:
- Eat at least six servings of fruit and vegetables every day, including at least four servings of vegetables
- Eat at least six serves of bread, cereal, rice or pasta every day. Choose wholegrain whenever you can
- Consume at least three serves of milk, cheese or yoghurt every dayEat at least two serves of protein every day - lean meat, poultry, chicken, seafood, eggs, nuts, seeds or legumes
- Try to include a source of omega-3 fatty acids in your daily eating. These 'good fats' are found in oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, kahawai, mussels, oysters and squid. Walnuts, flaxseed and chia seed are also good sources of omega-3 fatty acids