
Pregnancy is a remarkable experience. Our specialised care gives you the confidence to enjoy the journey. Your care at Origins is underpinned by around-the-clock best-practice obstetric expertise, tailored to your unique requirements.
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The way we work at Origins

At Origins our aim is to provide partnership care at the highest level, so that you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy. You can choose from one of the four Origins specialists who will become your lead maternity carer (LMC), but you will also have the opportunity to meet the other Obstetricians in the practice. The Obstetrician will care for you throughout your whole pregnancy including your labour and birth providing optimal obstetric continuity of medical care. When you go home with your baby a postnatal midwife will visit you in your home.  If your Obstetrician is unavailable at any time, you will be seen by one of the other Obstetricians in the practice. An Origins Obstetrician will always be available to you in an emergency, at any time day or night.
  • Your one obstetrician as your LMC
  • Obstetrician on call to you 24/7
  • Partnership and the highest level of care
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Obstetric care at Origins

During your pregnancy you will have around 12 antenatal appointments with your Origins obstetrician. Extra visits may be needed if you are expecting more than one baby, have a history of pregnancy problems or simply need extra reassurance.

Positive pregnancy test

Call us ASAP as we book out extremely quickly! One of our lovely receptionists will let you know which doctors are available, organise a booking appointment with your obstetrician. We'll send you forms so you can schedule an early pregnancy ultrasound scan and basic antenatal blood tests.

Booking appointment 8 - 10 weeks pregnant

45 minutes: meeting your obstetrician. We will run through your medical history, lifestyle, and current pregnancy health. We will discuss how your care will work, tests to be done before your next appointment, and address questions or concerns you may have. Blood pressure check and a scan for the baby will happen at this and each subsequent visit.

Around 14 weeks

15 minutes: we will collate and review scan and lab results, and arrange further special testing if required. Otherwise, we will assist with scheduling the next major scan for your baby at 20 weeks.

Around 20 weeks

15 minutes: review of anatomy scan, and address any complications or health issues. Welcome to the second half of your pregnancy! Next visit in four weeks...

From 24 - 32 weeks

15 minutes: meet with your obstetrician every 4 weeks for review: 24, 28, and 32 weeks. A second round of blood tests - including diabetes and iron level check - happens between 24 and 28 weeks. Another baby scan around 30 weeks outside the Origins practice is often suggested. We continue to watch your baby and bump grow, with any troubleshooting provided if necessary. Appointments then shift to fortnightly...

34 weeks

15 minutes: a quick wrap up of progress so far, and checking - as always - blood pressure and scan measurements.

Birth Plan appointment at 36 weeks

30 minutes: another full check-up for you and your baby, combined with the Birthplan: an outline of your preferences and options, taking into account any medical requirements, for the big day.


Your birth will be at Auckland City Hospital with your chosen support people, Origins obstetrician and midwife.

Postnatal visit

You will return to Origins when your baby is 6 weeks old for a final postnatal check-up with your obstetrician.  We'll discuss the birth, your recovery and post-partum transition, and manage any outstanding issues.  Lastly we talk about future family plans and give ongoing women's health advice.

An appointment with your Origins obstetrician

During your pregnancy you will have around 12 antenatal appointments with your Origins obstetrician. Extra visits may be needed if you are expecting more than one baby, have a history of pregnancy problems or simply need extra reassurance.
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Call us ASAP as we book out extremely quickly! One of our lovely receptionists will let you know which doctors are available and organise your first/booking appointment with your obstetrician and be able to offer to send you an ultrasound scan form and first antenatal blood tests
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This is a 15 minute appointment where your obstetrician will discuss with you the results of any genetic testing you might have chosen to have along with the report of your 12 week Nuchal Translucency ultrasound, if you chose to do it. Your blood pressure might be checking and an ultrasound scan in the room will be performed to check on the baby. Each of the doctors have scanners in their rooms
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This is a 15 minute appointment where your obstetrician will discuss with you the results of your anatomy scan. Your blood pressure might be checking and an ultrasound scan in the room will be performed to check on the baby
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You will see your obstetrician every 4 weeks for 15 minutes. You will be recommended to do a test for gestational diabetes. Your results will then be discussed and your questions answered. Your blood pressure might be checking and an ultrasound scan in the room will be performed to check on the baby
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You will see your obstetrician every 2 weeks for 15 minutes. The growth of your baby will be closely monitored and growth scans maybe needed. Your blood pressure might be checking and an ultrasound scan in the room will be performed to check on the baby
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This is a 30 minute appointment where your obstetrician will discuss with you your thoughts regarding your birth and together you will discuss and make a 'plan' for it, pain relief options, inductions of labour and c-sections maybe discussed
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Your obstetrician and one of our midwives will be with you throughout your labour and birth at Auckland Hospital.
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You will come back in and see your obstetrician when your baby is 6 weeks old for your final postnatal check. Your obstetrician will make sure that you are recovering well from your birth and discuss your plans for future children. Any recommendations for future pregnancies and deliveries will be noted.

Frequently asked questions

Why choose an obstetrician?
An obstetrician is a medical doctor who specialises in the care of pregnant women from the time of conception through to childbirth and the immediate postnatal period. Obstetricians in New Zealand have undertaken a minimum of eight years training after graduation from medical school. Some women choose an obstetrician for their first pregnancy because they're not sure how things will go. Others choose an obstetrician because of previous difficulties. An obstetrician has the expertise to continue care if complications arise, so you can stay with the same lead maternity carer (LMC) throughout your pregnancy. We believe your decision to work with a specialist should be based on what feels best for you and your baby.
Can I choose my doctor?
Depending on availability, you may be able to choose your obstetrician.
When will I first be seen at Origins?
Your booking visit is between 8-10 weeks gestation.
How often will I see my obstetrician?
You will see your obstetrician for your booking visit around 8-10 weeks and then 2-4 times in the first 20 weeks of your pregnancy. You'll be seen every 4 weeks until you are 32 weeks, then every fortnight until you are 36 weeks, and weekly until the baby is born. You'll be seen more frequently if medically necessary.
Where will my baby be born?
All of our babies are born at Auckland City Hospital.
How many ultrasound scans do I need?
It's ideal to have an early scan at 6-7 weeks, followed by a scan at 12-13 weeks for genetic screening. An anatomy scan is performed around 20 weeks.  Lastly, further scans may be recommended if your doctor is concerned about your baby's wellbeing.
Will there be a midwife at the birth?
Yes, a midwife will be present at your birth to help support you and your Obstetrician achieve the best possible outcome for you and your baby.

Get in touch

Our friendly team is always here to chat.


Our team is here to help.


Mon-Fri from 8am to 5pm.
09 630 8270


Come say hello at our clinic.
443A Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden, Auckland